This operation requires that you have already opened an archive. You must perform at least 3 steps to add files to an archive:
· | Click the Add button on the toolbar, select Add from the Edit menu or simply press [Ctrl+A]. This will display the Add files window.
· | Find the folder containing the files to add to the archive using the drive selector, folder tree and folder content list.
· | Select the files to add by selecting either one or more files or folders.
Those are the main steps needed to add files to an archive. There are some general settings that you may or may not want to change:
· | Optionally change the suggested Files option to specify that all, selected or user defined files should be added.
· | Optionally fill in the Store in folder field to store the files in a new folder in the archive.
· | Optionally change the Compression setting. There are four options: None, Light, Normal and Maximum. Maximum takes the longest time to compress, but on the other hand also gives the best compression result.
· | Optionally set the Folders options. If Include files in subfolders is checked, files in folders below the current folder is added as well. If Include folder information is checked, folder information is stored in the archive so that the same folder structure may be created when extracting the files. If Include drive information is checked, drive information is stored in the archive so that the files may be extracted to the same drives when extracting the files. If Relative folders is checked, it means that the folder names will begin at the current folder, and not contain the full path as on your system - this means that the folder tree from the current folder and below will be stored, not the structure above the current folder.
Further, by clicking the Advanced tab you get access to specifying more options:
· | If Delete files after adding is checked, the files will be deleted from your harddrive when they have been added to the archive. Use this feature with great caution.
· | You may specify behaviour based on file attributes. If Only add if archive bit is set is checked, only files with the archive bit set will be added to the archive. If Clear archive bit after adding is checked, the archive bit will be removed from the files after adding them to the archive.
· | You may specify a Password to encrypt the content of the archive. It is important that you remember the password as it must be used when you later want to extract files from the archive. There is no way to recover a lost password other than trying all password combinations.
· | You may specify a list of filenames and filespecs never to include in archives. This feature is most commonly used to avoid adding backup files and other temporary files to archives.
You are also able to add files to archives using the Wizard interface, the Windows Explorer interface and the Drag and Drop interface.